Rob Knight's Swim America

Summer continues until Friday 8/9 - Fall Begins 8/19

RKSA Admin

Congratulations - Amelia Fitch, Arjun Viswanathan, Chandra Padigala, Isaac Daluz, Mishka Manuja, Samavi Chaganti, Anagha Jadha and Monty Clark, our newest #10 Swimmers. It's such a big accomplishment - swimming all 4 strokes including breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke, and freestyle. Way to go....

Our Fall Schedule is finalized and will be posted on the web soon.  As standard protocol, we placed all of current summers swimmers first -  The progress of our swimmers this summer has been amazing, especially those who regularly go to the pools and practice the skills from lessons. Once we grow our staff this Fall, we hope to add more swimmers!  Thanks for your patience.